Chester Asset Management
High Conviction Australian Equities
About Chester
A concentrated Australian equity portfolio of 25 – 40 best stock ideas
An investment strategy designed for investors who aim to grow their wealth
A defensive allocation as part of the strategy helps preserve capital
Investment Team
Rob Tucker
Portfolio Manager
B.Com, Grad.Dip Applied Finance, CFA
Tom Beard
Investment Analyst
Anthony Kavanagh
Portfolio Manager
BCom, GDipAppFin&Inv, CA, CFA
Luke Howard
Portfolio Manager
BCom (Finance), BA (History), CFA
Luke Dalgleish
Investment Analyst
Fund Summary
Fund Facts
Chester High Conviction Fund
The Fund is designed for investors who aim to grow their wealth while preserving their capital. The investible universe is the S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index. The experienced, dedicated investment team has worked together since 2013. The team takes a high-conviction approach, choosing investments where they have confidence in the high quality, predictable cash generation of the company, or strong confidence in the valuation margin of safety.
Responsible Entity
Inception Date
Number of Stocks
Investment Time Frame
Minimum Initial Investment
Minimum Additional Investment
Management Fee
Performance Fee
Copia Investment Partners
April 2017
Outperform benchmark by 5% (after fees)
At least 3 years
S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index
0.95% p.a. (including GST net of RITC)
15% (including GST and net of reduced input tax credits) of any excess performance (after deducting the management fee) above the benchmark to 30 June.
If you have any questions about how to invest, please contact our friendly Client Services Team.
Copia Client Services
9am to 5pm
Victorian business days
P 1800 442 129 (free call within Australia)
P +61 3 9602 3199